Age: 51 years old
Name: Yu Qi
Country: Taiwan
Hobbies: travelling, making new friends, learning new things.
How were you diagnosed and how long did it take? What form of NETs were you diagnosed with? And had the NET spread to other parts of your body?
Ten years ago, I initially started experiencing symptoms of easy fever, facial flushing, occasional coughing, heart palpitations, diarrhea, and vomiting. Even though I couldn’t bear it and went to the emergency room, the doctors couldn’t find the cause and only said it was “suspected” irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or gastroenteritis. Despite limited improvement from injections and medication, I endured for five years without seeing any improvement in the symptoms. It wasn’t until later, during a colonoscopy, that a carcinoid was discovered. I eventually underwent surgery at a medical center, and the test results indicated a functional neuroendocrine tumor in the rectum with lymph node involvement.
What treatment have you had and how did it affect you then and now?
Underwent curative surgery and had an ostomy created in 2017 and started receiving treatment with long-acting depot injection“Sandostatin” in February 2018.
What impact has the diagnosis had on your personal life?
Although the illness brings inconvenience, I have learned to slow down and take good care of myself. Despite needing to go for monthly check-ups and injections, with patience and cooperation from medical staff and the support of friends, when my body is stable, I can live my life just like any other person, without feeling any different.
What lessons have you learnt along the way (if any)?
Looking back on this journey of battling cancer, I have found myself becoming stronger and more aware of my own worth! Because I am naturally optimistic and positive, since I cannot change the facts, I have changed my mindset. I have learned to coexist with my ostomy, change my dietary habits, and acquire self-care skills. Although I don’t live close to my family, I actually feel more at ease, and being able to move around freely without worries.
Who’s been your hero? Perhaps it was you!
My heroes are:
My medical team
Hope Foundation for Cancer Care
Other NET patients and caregivers from our NET support group
My Friends/Family!
Did you get any help from a patient organization during your journey?
After getting sick, I searched online for NET and discovered HOPE Foundation for Cancer Care. The nurses there are kind and patient, providing me with stability during moments of anxiety. I now enjoy visiting the HOPE Station in Taichung, bringing fruits and snacks to chat with the staff and fellow patients. The foundation also created a Line group for NET patients, where I happily offer encouragement and share my experiences. During this time, I have transitioned from being a recipient of help to becoming someone who helps others.
How are you now?
Currently, I still need to go to the hospital every month for injections. I use the term “staying at a hotel” to describe it. I am extremely grateful for the care provided by the medical team. It has been nearly 6 years since I was diagnosed, and my life is a miraculous gift from above. Therefore, I cherish every day and every moment.