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NET research and clinical trials


  • INCA’s Vision calls for global access to optimal treatments and advancement of trials to improve the length and quality of life while ultimately seeking cures for all forms of NETs.
  • To help realize its vision, INCA is focused on equipping and empowering NET patients to bring robust participation in important trials and to play an active role in helping to shape patient-centered research.
  • INCA seeks to educate, engage and advocate for clinical trials that make a difference and for patient involvement that brings greater attention to patient reported outcomes and improved quality of life.

This web section is dedicated to bringing forth regular information on INCA’s current initiatives and to provide on-going opportunities and tools for patients to learn about clinical trials and ideally participate in them.

IMPORTANT: If you are interested in participating in any of the clinical trials listed here, please contact your lead oncologist / NET team for consultation.
(See the Disclaimer below.)

INCA’s Recent Research Activities

  • Over the past decade INCA has been a unique source of global perspective on NET patient experience, gaps, and needs around issues of quality of life and access to state-of-the-art NET treatment.
  • In 2021, INCA took a major step in equipping members with the tools needed to play a more active role in the clinical trial process. We designed and conducted a Boot Camp to provide NET patient advocates with critical knowledge of the clinical trials research process. Several graduates of this program have used this knowledge in their organization’s advocacy and to empower patient engagement with research.

Current Activities:

We have worked with the INCA Research Committee and the Boot Camp (BC) graduates to launch multiple initiatives to connect these advocates and other members with NET leaders and active investigators. The aims of these activities were:

    • To bring forth the most current perspectives on important trials,
    • Foster direct collaborations with active investigators, and
    • Identify new tools that can facilitate patients’ access to trials that can truly make a difference in their care.

Initially we are producing information and tools in three key areas:

  • NET Research Leader Perspectives on “Trials That Matter”
  • Collaborations with active investigators
  • Access to clinical trials with groundbreaking AI tools
Dr. Grace Kong

Dr. Grace Kong
Current NET Research
Nuclear Medicine Clinical Trials

Read more

Dr Pamela Kunz

Dr. Pamela Kunz:
Meaningful Involvement of Patients
in NET Research

Read more

Dr. Thorvardur Halfdanarson:
Meaningful Involvement of Patients
in NET Research

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Prof. Michael Michael:
What is the Role of Patients in
Trial Design and Efficacy

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Prof. Jonathan Strosberg:
Practice Changing Research
in NETs

Read more

Dr Jaydira Del Rivero

Dr. Jaydira Del Rivero:
Practice-Changing Trials
in NETs

Read more

Dr. Enrique Grande:
How Clinical Practice Has Been Changed by Clinical Trials in the Last 10 Years

Read more


This section contains references to information on clinical trials related to neuroendocrine tumors (NETs).

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines a clinical trial as any research study that prospectively assigns human participants or groups of humans to one or more health-related interventions to evaluate the effects on health outcomes.

The information about clinical trials published on this web page is for informational purposes only.

INCA does not endorse any particular research study and is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by the investigator or the accuracy of the information provided by the searchable databases. Please note that this section may not represent an inclusive list of all clinical trials that are in process or being planned worldwide.

If you are interested in participating in any of the clinical trials mentioned or listed here, please first consult with your lead oncologist / NET team for their guidance.