Patient stories
Simon (Canada)
My name is Simon and I’m 36 years old. I live in Quebec, Canada. I’m an aerospace engineer and a proud dad of 3...
Richard (Kenya)
My name is Richard Kiprono Ngeno from Kapsoit, Kericho County of Kenya. I am a 37-year-old man and a small-time...
Pauline (France)
I am Pauline, 33 years old and I live in France. I love board games, knitting and swimming. I was discovered my...
Julie (UK)
My name is Julie Rose, I am 48 (49 in November) and I used to enjoy taking part in a lot of fitness, running,...
Esteve (Spain)
My name is Esteve, I was born in Barcelona and I am 56 years old. I have a great family and I am surrounded by...
Dr Mark Lewis (USA)
My name is Mark Lewis. I am living in the USA but was born in Scotland. I am 42 years old. I work as a...
Dirk (Belgium)
Dirk Van Genechten, Belgian (Flemish), 62. Hobbies: my grandchildren, traveling, good food and wine, petrolhead...
Barbara (Italy)
My name is Barbara. I am 51 years old, I was born in Rome and live in Santarcangelo di Romagna close to Rimini. I...
Sue Williams (UK)
2018, I had lost two stone, busy life, family and full time job, at 56 I thought that was how life was? Relaxing...
David Corbin (UK)
I was first diagnosed in August 2019 and after seeing multiple consultants in a short period of time I was...
Andreia (Portugal)
I was diagnosed in August 2013 after 5 years of dealing with a recurring pain attributed to a cyst in my left...
Amanda (UK)
I was diagnosed as being menopausal at 48 in 2014 and opted for HRT so from then on I was getting regular checks...
Adam Martin (Northern Ireland)
For 18 months I thought I had a food intolerance, or IBS as almost every time I ate I had stomach pains. The...
Pauline Mather (UK)
I was diagnosed with neuroendocrine cancer of my pancreas & liver February 2019. I had major Whipple surgery...
Marbellys Bayne-Azcarate (UK)
I was diagnosed in October 2015 with Stage IV Neuroendocrine Cancer. I had been experiencing intermittent and...