Dirk Van Genechten, Vice President of vzw NET & MEN Kanker Belgium, is the new INCA Membership Committee Chair. He stepped up to this role after a long-standing and highly-valued contribution as a member of this committee. Dirk has also provided a committed service to the INCA Board of Directors for the past 6 years. In the period of 2019 – 2020 he led the INCA Access Committee.
As the INCA Membership Committee Chair he succeeds Grace Goldstein, former Chief Operating Officer of the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation, USA, whose outstanding leadership championed the organization’s membership expansion and INCA cannot thank her enough for the exemplary job done.
INCA wishes the best of luck to Dirk Van Genechten in his new role and is most grateful for his tireless efforts and voluntary dedication to the development of INCA for many years.