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Easily missed.
Take a closer look at Neuroendocrine Cancer

NET Cancer Day  November 10 2023

#LetsTalkAboutNETs          #NETCancerDay

Campaign Messages

NETs are easily missed.
Help us change this.

Campaign messages have been created in 11 different languages for use across social media and can be downloaded or shared directly from this page!

You will find campaign resources in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.

On NET Cancer Day, November 10 we need your help to raise awareness about neuroendocrine cancer.

Download and share these messages as far as you can!

Our message this year is simple.

Easily missed. Take a closer look at Neuroendocrine Cancer.
#LetsTalkAboutNETs #NETCancerDay

Social Media Messages

We need the help of our global community to raise awareness for NETs around the world.

Click the icon on the left of the image to share directly to your social media channel or download the image to schedule for a later time.

On November 10, help us spread the word

#LetsTalkAboutNETs #NETCancerDay

Social Media Messages

Campaign Videos

Download the NET Cancer Day campaign videos for use on social media.

Social Media Downloads

Custom Poster

Want a more personal message? Head to our Custom Poster Builder, upload your photo, share your personal story and tell your followers:

Easily missed. Take a closer look at Neuroendocrine Cancer.

NETs are more common than brain, ovarian, or cervical cancer and incidence is on the rise.

We need the help of our global community to raise awareness, improve the quality of life for NET  patients around the world to improve diagnostic times.

On November 10, help us spread the word

Easily missed. Take a closer look at Neuroendocrine Cancer.

#LetsTalkAboutNETs #NETCancerDay