Become a Member
INCA welcomes new members. Organizations that are interested in becoming members of INCA should review the information about membership categories and complete and submit the Membership Application Form or the Associate Membership Application Form.
Category | Eligible Organizations | Benefits | Expectations |
Member | National and international non-profit patient supporting groups focused on NET cancers, which have been in existence for 2 years |
Associate | Regional (sub-national) non-profit patient supporting groups focused on NET cancers |
Partner | National and international NET/Rare Disease/Oncology and Related Organizations |
Sponsor | Companies that serve/supply/support NET community |
Eligible Organizations
National and international non-profit “patient supporting” groups focused on NET cancers
Add voice and influence to global NET community
Share experience and knowledge with other NET groups
Info on NET developments and campaigns
Access to promotional and support materials
Voting rights at AGM, summit and meetings
Eligible to seek board election (subject to being a member for at least two years)
Invited to attend AGM and INCA summit
Organization listed and linked on INCA website(s)
Can reference INCA membership in own material
Designate one qualified person (English-speaking) and one alternate as a representative of the member
Share information from INCA with the member’s internal organization
Participate and contribute to INCA’s work
Promote the work of INCA
Participate in one teleconference and/or Summit per year
Reference and link to INCA on the member’s website
Eligible Organizations
Regional (sub-national) non-profit “patient supporting” groups focused on NET cancers
Add voice and influence to global NET community
Share experience and knowledge with other NET groups
Info on NET developments and campaigns
Access to promotional and support materials
Invited to attend INCA summit as an observer (at own cost)
Organization listed and linked on INCA website(s)
Can reference INCA membership in own material
May be invited to attend and participate in committees and/or meetings
Designate one qualified person (English-speaking) and one alternate as a representative of the associate
Share information from INCA with the member’s internal organization
Contribute to INCA’s work as appropriate
Reference and link to INCA on the member’s website
Eligible Organizations
National and international NET/Rare Disease/Oncology and Related Organizations
Informed on regular basis of INCA activities
Invited to attend INCA summit as an observer (at own cost)
Organization listed and linked on INCA website(s)
Can reference INCA membership in own material
May be invited to attend and participate in committees and/or meetings
May be invited to sit on advisory panel(s)
Designate method/person for communications with INCA
Promote INCA within the widerNET community
Contribute to INCA’s work as appropriate
Actively seek opportunities to partner with INCA to help promote awareness and achieve INCA’s goals
Reference and link to INCA on the member’s website
Eligible Organizations
Companies that serve/supply/support NET community
Informed on regular basis of INCA activities
Invited to attend INCA summit as an observer (at own cost)
Annual briefing and discussion of INCA activities, goals and plans
Organization listed and linked on INCA website(s)
Can reference INCA membership as “Sponsor” in own material
Designate method/person for communications with INCA
Promote the work of INCA in their community
Contribute to the work of INCA as appropriate (i.e. surveys of the NET community, assistance with articles for publication; assistance with posters presented at medical/healthcare conferences)
Provide financial support to INCA on an annual, non-project-specific basis
Join us?
Fill out this form to register your interest in joining.